It’s Like The President Fired A Loaded Machine Gun At Oil And Gas

Dr. Loren Scott, president, Loren Scott & Associates, at the Rocky Mountain Energy and Infrastructure Summit, Jackson Hole, Wy. Photo by Paul Flessland
The Crude Life
The Crude Life
It's Like The President Fired A Loaded Machine Gun At Oil And Gas

Loren Scott, president, Loren Scott & Associates and Professor Emeritus of Economics at LSU,  recaps several of the executive orders signed by President Joe Biden and how it will impact the oil and gas industry.

“Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland is a very scary person. She has called repeatedly for an all out fracking ban. She’s a supporter of the Green New Deal, wants a total ban on all drilling on public lands and waters, wants to abolish the internal combustion engine. She’s AOC on steroids, aimed right at the gas industry. This is not good news for Louisiana or the industry.” 

Scott says its like this administration has loaded up a machine gun and has just unloaded on the oil and gas industry.

Climate activism and public relations are discussed in detail including comparisons and differences with coal and tobacco. Scott explains how reliant our quality of lives and economy is on fossil fuels. He furthers the discussion by explaining how the economy works and oil and gas is one of the main core drivers.

Scott shares his insight on the Gulf of Mexico’s economy and how there is a wildcard in natural gas due to the number of refineries and foreign companies building and buying. He transitions that into the state of Louisiana’s oil and gas economy and how COVID has impacted the state.

The interview concludes Scott sharing some examples of how Green Energy has been financed, supported and implemented into other countries and culture only to find out it didn’t work. Furthermore, he explains how the materials and minerals needed for Green Energy isn’t actually environmentally friendly Green Science.

Administering rank prejudice and supporting state-sponsored social shaming is also discussed in the interview.

Loren C. Scott & Associates, Inc., is a 35-year old firm that provides economic consulting and public speaking services for a wide range of clients. Consulting activities include impact studies, forecasting services, analysis of policy proposals, and general economic analyses. Consulting clients include BP, ExxonMobil, Entergy Corporation, J. P. Morgan Chase, Capital One Financial, Nucor, Sasol, and a diversity of others. Our objective is to put together the very best team of associates to attack our client’s problems. Dr. Scott makes 50-70 presentations a year on the state of—and the outlook for—the economy and the energy sector in particular.

He is one of the 32-member National Business Economic Issues Council, which meets quarterly to discuss issues of state, national, and international interest. This group has experts who cover international trade, Washington economic policy, retail trade, trucking, steel, chemicals, etc. Dr. Scott is an energy specialist on the NBEIC. He has been appointed to the Economic Advisory Board of the U.S. Council on Competitiveness—a group made up of the CEOs of the Fortune 100, top university presidents, and presidents of three major unions.

He has been interviewed on MSNBC, CNBC, Bloomberg TV, and several local TV stations and his work has been cited in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and the Moscow Times, to name a few.

Dr. Loren C. Scott is President and founder of the firm.  He was on the Economics Department faculty at Louisiana State University from 1969 to 1998, where he rose through the ranks from Assistant Professor to the holder of the Freeport-McMoran endowed Chair of Economics. He is presently Professor Emeritus of Economics at LSU.  

Over the thirteen-year period from 1983-96, Dr. Scott was the chairman of the Economics Department at LSU.  During that time, the Department’s ranking among the 3,000 economics departments in the U.S. rose from 101st  to 38th. He received 7 seven awards at LSU for outstanding classroom teaching. 

Dr. Scott is co-developer of the Louisiana econometric model, a model used for providing annual forecasts of the Louisiana economy, which are released each fall.  He was a co-investigator on over $1 million in grant research at LSU and is the author of over 75 articles and technical reports in addition to reports written for consulting clients.

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