Shale Play USA: Permian Plus Gulf Update and Bitcoin Mining in the Rocky Mountain Region

Here are some boots-on-the-ground updates from people working in oil and gas and industry leaders who are in the thick of it. From the good to the bad to the pretty fantastic, Shale Play USA captures the information and drive from energy enthusiasts for excellent industry insight.

Gulf Region
John Vindas, Bayou Energy and Repair Services, , talks about the energy activity currently happening in the New Orleans, Lake Charles and Lafayette.

“…we’re on an intercoastal canal, so where we’re located as is, I guess you can call the calmer waters, but that intercoastal canal reaches Texas, all the way to Alabama. So there’s some lochs in between but, Lake Charles is basically almost to Port Author, the next closest bigger city at Beaumont. So that’s on the other side but they had a lot of construction going on over there. We’re sticking here and trying to service folks here with their barges…”

Interview can be found here

Rocky Mountain Region
Tom Masiero, Great American Mining explains why many oil and gas companies and operators are turning flares into Bitcoin. Masiero also explains why the Northern Hemisphere is seeing most of the Bitcoin mining.

“…this is based on data that what we’ve learned in the past year and a half mining bitcoin off of flare and trap gas. We want to be able to now have those tools be put in the the hands of producers and mineral rice holders. The Bakken is our best place. The Permian there are some differences of temperature and gases and that sort of thing. I would say most of the bitcoin mining that’s taking place on oil and gas pads are are taking place primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. You know we’ve got North Dakota doing stuff, we also see bitcoin mining in the Colorado Wyoming area as well, they work really well there…”

Interview can be found here

Permian Region
Danny Skiff, Specialized Desanders USA, gives an update on the frac sand industry in the Permian Region. He said geography has influenced the frac sand market considerably, due to shipping costs. For example, Wisconsin and Minnesota sand are considered premium sand due to it’s spherical nature. Skiff said he had heard off-the-record Permian savings numbers of $500K savings per well by using frac sand located near the Permian Basin in Texas.

“I had heard figures as high as $500,000 in savings per well by using the sand mined here in west texas versus bringing sand in from somewhere else.”

Interview can be found here

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Author: jasonspiess

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