Building the Bakken Radio Episode 244: Frac Plugs, Davis Refinery, Community Infrastructure and Leak Detecting Dogs

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Building the Bakken Radio Episode 244: Frac Plugs, Davis Refinery, Community Infrastructure and Leak Detecting Dogs

Weekly Davis Refinery Update
Interview: Edward Martinez, CEO, Zia Engineering
Explains some specifics with the innovations and new technologies behind the Davis Refinery. Zia Engineering is one of the companies involved with the behind the scenes activity regarding the Davis Refinery, billed to be the cleanest refinery on the planet.

Small Business USA
Interview: Mark Davies, Vigor USA
Davies talks about frac plugs, composite materials and the number of people you will see at a well site on any given day.

Energy Communities and Culture
Interview: Dan Jonasson, Souris River Joint Board
Jonasson tells the story of how Minot added nearly 10,000 residents over three years while the flood subtracted 4,000 structures in three weeks. They are now a Bakken Hub and are looking for creative ways to fund infrastructure projects and manage water systems.

Interview: Mich Hager, K9 Pipe Inspections
Hager explains how her canine tech is more precise than many of the leak detection systems involving words like IT or Smart Device.

This week’s singer-songwriter spotlight: Moody River Band

The Crude Life Clothing