Building the Bakken Radio Episode 245: Davis Refinery, Testing Energy Site and Quality of Life

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Building the Bakken Radio Episode 245: Davis Refinery, Testing Energy Site and Quality of Life

Weekly Davis Refinery Update
Interview: Edward Martinez, CEO, Zia Engineering
Martinez discusses some of the advancements in environmental technology and compares the Davis Refinery innovations to advancements in a car.

Small Business USA
Interview: Doug Voisin, Pharma-Safe Industrial Services, Inc.
Voisin talks about the evolution of his company from off shore safety to on shore safety and what companies are looking for these days in safety compliance.

Interview: Taylor Tongs, Keystone Test Facility
Tongs explains how their Oklahoma-based testing facility works and what their limitations are. Tongs also talks about the diversity of tests that have been run there from shale plays across the U.S.

Energy Communities and Culture
Interview: Richard Wardner, ND Senate Majority Leader
Wardner breaks down what it “quality of life” means in the oil and gas communities.

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