The Crude Life Week In Review Episode 310: The War On Oil and Gas

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
The Crude Life Week In Review Episode 310: The War On Oil and Gas

Weekly Davis Refinery Update
William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group, gives an update on the Davis Refinery, being constructed in the Bakken oil fields. The location of the refinery, near Belfield, is close to major transportation and distribution arteries.

Destenie McMillen, senior landman, Northern Colorado Legal Support, talks about the new oil and gas regulations in Colorado which are having major impacts.

McMillen, talks about the early industry hits and how it is already bleeding into Wyoming. Plus some companies have already left the state of Colorado for Oklahoma.

She also opines on whether the oil and gas industry should be promoting more as the “war against oil” continues.

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