The Crude Life Week In Review Episode 306: Birthing Wing Receives Large Donation, Meridian Moves Along

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
The Crude Life Week In Review Episode 306: Birthing Wing Receives Large Donation, Meridian Moves Along

Weekly Davis Refinery Update
William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group, gives an update on the Davis Refinery, being constructed in the Bakken oil fields. The location of the refinery, near Belfield, is close to major transportation and distribution arteries.

Ashley McNamee, Whiting Petroleum & Lynn Welker, Consultant-McKenzie County Healthcare Systems, give details about the $200K donation Whiting made to the McKenzie County Healthcare Systems.

The donation will provide resources for the hospital’s labor and birth wing. Watford City has grown over 250% in the past decade and births are a quality of life issue. This donation help improve their community’s quality of life.

The interview also discusses other donations to the McKenzie County Healthcare Systems as well as other donation made by Whiting in the Bakken.

“The Essence of Capitalism” is also discusses as energy companies continue to give in addition to paying high taxes, fees and donating to local service groups and churches.

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