The Crude Life Interview: William Prentice, Meridian Energy Group

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
The Crude Life Interview: William Prentice, Meridian Energy Group

William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group, shares an update on the the Davis Refinery. The Davis Refinery which is being designed with a throughput capacity of 49,500 bpd of Bakken crude oil.

Prentice also addresses some misinformation regarding a recent article published by the Associated Press. Meridian Energy and the Davis Refinery recently had their Permit To Construct upheld.

The idea of whether the thrust of the resistance is due to an old mentality or emotion is discussed.

In addition to a new timeline on the Davis Refinery, Prentice explains what their process has been like behind the scenes having their science validated over and over.

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