The Crude Life Interview: Marvin Nash and Seth Frentheway, Encore Green Environmental

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
The Crude Life Interview: Marvin Nash and Seth Frentheway, Encore Green Environmental

Marvin Nash and Seth Frentheway, Encore Green Environmental, discuss the transition from agriculture innovation to the oil and gas industry.

Nash explains how understanding the land, soil and water translates very well to the energy industry from agriculture.

Produced water, reused water and reimagining water were discussed in detail throughout the interview.

Nash shares his background as a rodeo clown and explain how that experience is aiding him everyday with his current endeavor.

Nash, Frentheway and Spiess discuss the agriculture and energy history and its common connections.

Carbon Capturing, reverse engineering and the paradigm shift in energy is also bantered about.

The three also pontificate about the rise behind the “Cult of Environmentalism” and “Colorado’s War on Oil and Gas”.

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