MultiMedia Cafe Week In Review Episode 223: Ed Schultz Legacy, NFL Draft and Power of Social Media

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Week In Review Episode 223: Ed Schultz Legacy, NFL Draft and Power of Social Media

Interview: Josh Swanson, Vogel Law Firm and the NDSU Bison Illustrated Podcast, talks about the 2019 NFL Draft and several of the players drafted including Easton Stick, NDSU and Marcus Epps, Wyoming.

Swanson and host Jason Spiess sidebar into an impromptu Ed Schultz discussion, including their opinion on whether a movie or documentary would be something worth watching.

Swanson continues the impromptu Ed Schultz discussion, including their opinion on whether a movie or documentary would be something worth watching and talking NFL Draft.

Swanson also discusses the importance of an ecosystem of activity in today world of media, marketing and branding.

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