MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 215: Environmentalism, iPhones and Shale Play USA

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 215: Environmentalism, iPhones and Shale Play USA

Interview: Terry Etam, energy writer, BOE Report and author of The End of Fossil Fuel Insanity
Terry Etam, energy writer, BOE Report and author of The End of Fossil Fuel Insanity, talks about the religion of environmentalism and some of the tactics used by extremists. He explains the theme of his book and how the environmental movement is causing more harm to the planet than they are intending. He challenges multiple ideas from environmentalist, including examples of how those ideas continue to decimate the planet. Etam cites the example of an iPhone containing 78 elements from the periodic table.

Etam revisits a story from last fall involving a potential natural gas shortage. Despite an abundance of natural gas being mined, so much there are flares happening all over Shale Play USA. Both Spiess and Etam cite numerous examples of pipelines, processing plants, value-added innovation and other solutions the oil and gas industry are working on.

Interview: Tom Peckskamp, musician and singer songwriter
Tom Peckskamp, musician and singer songwriter, talks about his music and performs live in studio.

Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Tom Peckskamp

The Crude Life Clothing