MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 212: E-Sports, Wildfires and Christian Values

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 212: E-Sports, Wildfires and Christian Values

Kids and Capitalism
Interview: Otis interview Josh Knutson, head coach of University of Jamestown College E-Sports Team
MultiMedia Kidtrepreneur Otis interviews Josh Knutson, head coach, University of Jamestown’s e-Sports team about video games and education.

Small Business USA
Interview: Nicholas Bures, Magna Bures Oil
Nicholas Bures, Magna Bures Oil, gives an update from the Illinois Basin and their $75K well, including signing a deal with a major international oil company.

Small Business USA
Interview: Nicolas Bures, Magna Bures Oil
Nicolas Bures, Magna Bures Oil, headquartered in Wyoming, talks about their Paradise, CA, wildfires and how it impacted their offices and partners.

Community & Culture
Brent Seaks, Badlands Ministries
Brent Seaks, Badlands Ministries, explains the need for Christian-based services in western North and South Dakota. Badlands Ministries has been around for over 90 years. Seaks also comments on the connection between faith and oil and gas communities. How the core comprised within Christian values are in line with the values of an oil and gas community.

The Crude Life Clothing