MultiMedia Cafe Episode 53: Expanding into Texas, Issue with Millennials

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Episode 53: Expanding into Texas, Issue with Millennials

MultiMedia Cafe Special Guest and Topics Menu
Wednesday March 27, 2019

Stephen Robbins, Royal Creek Consulting, talks about their expansion into West Texas and their new hires. Robbins also talks about their expanding into the East Coast Pittsburgh area as well.

Robbins believes they will be expanding into South Texas and the Eagle Ford still in 2019. Robbins also comments on being a finalist for the Consultancy of the Year Award in the Northeast Oil and Gas Awards.

Wayne Christian, Railroad Commission of Texas, discusses the issue with millennials and retirees in the oil and gas industry. He also talks about the facts and fictions related climate change and how we view it as a society.

The interview ends with a monologue on integrity in the oil and gas industry.

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