MultiMedia Cafe Episode 152: Powder River Basin and Energy Activity in Texas

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Episode 152: Powder River Basin and Energy Activity in Texas

Pete Obermueller, Petroleum Association of Wyoming, gives an overview of the 2019 Annual Meeting being held August 19-20 in Cheyenne, Wy.

Obermueller also shares his thoughts on the recent Colorado issues with oil and gas. He also gives an update on Wyoming’s different energy plays like the Powder River Basin. The sage grouse, permits and an assortment of water issues are also discussed during the interview.

Mark Bullock, BMA Biotech, discusses the pros and cons of In-Situ and Ex-Situ conservation and clean up. Bullock gives an update on how energy activity is in Texas. He also shares a few stories from the oil patch.

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