MultiMedia Cafe Episode 138: The Big Crew Shift

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Episode 138: The Big Crew Shift

Bob Donner, founder, Freedom Manufacturing, gives a history of his company and their current state.

“The Essence of Capitalism” is discussed, and how the energy industry seems to continue to foster capitalism at its core.

How the industry and downstream industries will look after the Big Crew Change and Retirement Shift is talked about too.

The interview also discusses innovation and technical advancements in manufacturing as well as rethinking public relations within the oil and gas industry.

Pat Young, owner, PatLoc, gives a history of how he went from roustabout to inventor to owner of his own company in the heart of the Bakken oil field, Watford City. The Essence of Capitalism is discussed, as Young is one of the prime examples of capitalism in the oil industry.

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