MultiMedia Cafe Episode 13: Blind Joe, Haynesville and Green Energy

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Episode 13: Blind Joe, Haynesville and Green Energy

MultiMedia Cafe Special Guest and Topics Menu
Wednesday January 30, 2019

Keith Baudin, Oil & Gas Drilling Consultant, gives an update on the Haynesville and Austin Chalk shale plays. Baudin also updates the energy infrastructure and construction in the Lake Charles area as well as the new refineries.

He also opined on how politics are causing issues with energy development. The “new normal” in energy is discussed with attorneys and court cases being the center of the topic. Baudin is running for Louisiana state representative, District 46, and has a platform in energy centered around legacy lawsuits, severance tax and coastal erosion.

Sarah Skinner, Oilman Magazine, gives a preview of their current issue of the Oilman Magazine. Skinner talks about the features related to bridging the skills gap in the energy industry.

Blind Joe, recalls his experience on NBC’s hit show The Voice. Plus he talks about how to market music in today’s entertainment industry. He also shares some personal stories about his past with drug and alcohol abuse and how that impacted his business.

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