Coffee & Capitalism Radio Episode 196: Minerals, Propositions, Energy and Economic Development

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Coffee & Capitalism Radio Episode 196: Minerals, Propositions, Energy and Economic Development

Energy Economy
Interview: Daniel Stenberg, McKenzie County Economic Development
Daniel Stenberg, McKenzie County Economic Development, gives an update from the heart of the Bakken oil fields. He talks about new companies and new developments.

Interview: Tracee Bently, Colorado Petroleum Council
Tracee Bently, Colorado Petroleum Council explains what proposition 112 is and why the energy industry is against it and what it would do to Colorado’s industry.

Community Building
Interview: Tracee Bently, Colorado Petroleum Council
Tracee Bently, Colorado Petroleum Council talks about what would happen to local communities and their governments, schools, etc if Proposition 112 passes in Colorado.

Social Media Segment
Interview: Josh Swanson, Vogel Law Firm
Josh Swanson,Vogel Law Firm, talks about the North Dakota Industrial Commission adopting the findings of a Missouri River study that could impact oil and gas mineral ownership. Swanson said it will be challenged in court.


Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Moody River Band

The Crude Life Clothing