Light It Up with Jason Spiess

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Light It Up with Jason Spiess

MultiMedia Journalist Jason Spiess recaps the week’s interviews on The Crude Life. Spiess talks about a number of topics including the launch of a new daily podcast, environmentalism and politics is professional wrestling.

The issue in Colorado is discussed in more detail relaying information from an interview with Dan Haley, president, Colorado Oil and Gas Association. From when Colorado Governor Jared Polis proclaimed a war on oil and gas the new measures Colorado Rising is attempting to get on the 2020 ballot, energy production in Colorado is driving the conversation.

Politics is Pro Wrestling is bantered once again. Spiess theorizes that politics has become a contrived dance where both parties know what the other is going to say and do, much like professional wrestling. Spiess compares headlocks and armbars to sound bytes and bullet points on gun control and education.

Spiess also explains why Donald Trump will win the 2020 election unless Duane “the Rock” Johnson decides to run as a third party and announces it on social media.

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