Light It Up: Flaring, Gas Leases, Bitcoin and Chinese Blockchain

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Light It Up: Flaring, Gas Leases, Bitcoin and Chinese Blockchain

The Crude Life host Jason Spiess joins Genneca for a weekly energy report on The Country Twins morning show.

Spiess talks about Swan Energy‘s recent announcement of acquiring natural gas leases. He mentions a couple examples of positive energy activity out in a world dominated by doom and gloom stories.

Spiess said Swan Energy have already looked at about 100 leases and are continuing their search for natural gas opportunities. He estimated they will add another 500 wells and 40,000 acres.

The weekly radio segment dives into the deep end of currency, Bitcoin and blockchain. He opines that the recent news regarding the Chinese integration of blockchain into oil and gas will be relevant in the United States very soon. Many in China believe it will change the world.

Have you ever wondered why they call the money institution a “bank”? Where did this word come from and why is it used this way? Imagine a river. The river has two sides that are called banks. What do these river banks do? They contain, direct, and control the current of the water. Wherever the bank of the river goes, so goes the current. The bank controls and contains the current or energy. See the parallel between the money bank and the bank of the river? It’s all about controlling the currency of energy.

You go to work and exert energy and in exchange you get a piece of paper or e-money called currency. It’s why we’re so preoccupied with money. We think of money as our energy.

Spiess dives deeper into the theory and existential flow of money and currency. Money is energy and energy is money. He explains how the ancient Egyptians used a bartering system like the one we use today and would explain the exchange of goods and services like the flow of the current being shaped and guided by the banks. River banks.

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