Federal Land Leases, Upcoming Election and Who Will Invest?

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Federal Land Leases, Upcoming Election and Who Will Invest?

Luke Daniels, Core Well Commercial Capital, gives some insight on the upcoming election and how it will impact the oil and gas industry.

Specifically, Daniels talks about the federal land leases and how that will become a wildcard in the next election.

The interview transitions into how industry is currently responding to COVID and the upcoming election. Daniels said there comes a time when people have to start asking “who is willing to invest” and if now is that time?

Daniels also explains how lower costs are allowing many companies to succeed right now, even with new assets.

Host Jason Spiess asked Daniels if a business can succeed in today’s controlled and COVID marketplace, to which he believes there are options.

“(In some cases) It’s not about decreasing man-power, it’s spreading man-power out,” Daniels said. “Instead of these large Halliburton, Schlumberger size companies, now we just go and start having the smaller companies that are not thousands to tens of thousands of employees large, but in the less than hundreds of employees or even the teens where you can operate more efficiently, lower overhead, keep your debt interest down and acquire the equipment at a low cost.”

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