Coffee & Capitalism Episode 184: Abandon Wells, Social Media Sales and Energy Investing

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Coffee & Capitalism Episode 184: Abandon Wells, Social Media Sales and Energy Investing

Social Media Segment
Interview: Jasper Wade, owner, ToolsRUS
Jasper Wade, owner, ToolsRUS, explains how social media has allowed him to run a successful business despite having a disability that would be difficult to work in a traditional office setting.

Energy Economy
Interview: Arnold White, Dual Energy
Arnold White, Dual Energy, describes how his company found a niche segment in the oil and gas industry with “abandon” and “orphan” wells.

Small Business USA
Interview: Arnold White, Dual Energy
Arnold White, Dual Energy, continues his conversation about how his company has withstood the unpredictable nature of the energy industry by focusing on their niche area of industry.

Capital and Investing
Interview: John Weaver, W. Reynolds Commercial Capital, LLC
John Weaver, W. Reynolds Commercial Capital, LLC, talks about benefits of equipment leasing and other tools for operating the money side of a small business.

Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Moody River Band

The Crude Life Clothing