Another Orphan Well Capped, Millions To Go

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Another Orphan Well Capped, Millions To Go

Curtis Shuck, Well Done Foundation, talks about the emerging issue of orphan wells in America. Shuck explains the difference between orphan, abandoned and shut in wells.

There are many layers to the issue of orphan wells in America. Generally speaking, the landowner or surface owner is responsible for the problematic wells, whereas, many expect the responsibility to shift over to the state or industry.

Shuck explains why their organization had to convert to a not for profit 501C3 in order to remain competitive in the market while providing a carbon finance model. He also opines about solution-based marketing and the future of ESG imagery. (ESG stand for Environmental Social Governance)

The interview also dives into social responsibility and industry image. How these topics are impacting investments and financing, giving carbon finance models and solution-based marketing an opportunity for companies.

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