North Dakota Electric Linemen Recognized on House Floor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer recognized the volunteer efforts of two North Dakota electric linemen on the floor of the House of Representatives. Jody Bruce of Minot and Josh Hoffman of Carrington traveled to Haiti to help provide electricity in the community of Caracol.

In addition to recognizing them on the House floor, Cramer will fly two American flags over the U.S. Capitol building in appreciation of their volunteer service.

A transcript of Congressman Cramer’s remarks is below:

The author Henry Miller wrote, “The ordinary man is involved in an action. The hero acts. An immense difference.”

Mr. Speaker, having grown up as the son of a rural electric lineman, I am more than a little familiar with the not so ordinary actions of these rather ordinary people.

They do a job most of us can’t or won’t do, often putting themselves in danger’s way as they carry out their duties in all kinds of weather conditions.

They earn a paycheck for their work for sure, but their contribution to the quality of life and standard of living for rural America is for the benefit of millions. 

But today Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize the extraordinary efforts of two rural electric linemen from North Dakota, who stepped beyond being involved in the action, to act.

Jody Bruce from Minot who works for Verendrye Electric Cooperative and Josh Hoffman from Carrington who works for Northern Plains Electric Cooperative, left the comfort zone of middle America to facilitate the advent of safe, reliable and affordable electricity for a community in Haiti.

Their service and sacrifice will improve the lives of many people, because electricity is a critical element to improve quality of life, healthcare, education, clean water and other vital services.

Volunteering their time and expertise, they both spent two weeks in the town of Caracol, providing safety training and mentoring for local Haitian linemen. 

They also assisted with installing power for residences located next to an industrial park. When fully functional this facility will have the capacity to employ 30,000 people.

Jody and Josh are the only linemen from North Dakota to ever participate in such a project in Haiti, a country where only about 13 percent of people have reliable access to electricity.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association International Foundation has been working on a US Agency for International Development-funded program to bring electricity to the town of Caracol and nearby areas.

Today, more than 1,200 consumers in the town have access to reliable electricity, some homes now have TV antennas, small businesses including Internet cafés have been established, and water treatment plants are in operation.

While we often take for granted such basic amenities as safe, reliable electricity, we ought to say a prayer for the men and women who ensure the lights are always on for us and the families who wait at home.

In the case of Jody Bruce and Josh Hoffman, well, they deserve a ticker tape parade. They, Mr. Speaker, are International heroes.

I yield back the balance of my time.


Press release provided by US Congressman Kevin Cramer

Author: jasonspiess

The Crude Life Clothing

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