Light It Up: Pipeline Impacts on Shale Play USA

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Light It Up: Pipeline Impacts on Shale Play USA

The Crude Life host Jason Spiess joins Genneca for a weekly energy report on The Country Twins morning show. This week Spiess discusses the recent announcement of pipeline shutdowns and how that will impact Shale Play USA.

Spiess explains how the climate activists and environmental extremists have changed the landscape of the oil and gas industry. From ESG certifications to equator principals to the climate change movement, Spiess cites these examples of how the oil and gas industry has become reactive rather than proactive.

The weekly segment also talks about the supply chain affiliated with pipelines. From pipe fitters to truckers to the local cafe owners, Spiess gives numerous examples of jobs impacted from the pipeline issues.

Spiess gives a recap of energy development from hay to wood to whales to kerosene to coal to crude to natural gas. Generally each shift to a new energy dominance for society has been more environmentally progressive and more efficient.

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